I've always disliked kale and collard greens. In my opinion, they don't even taste good slathered in butter. However, Randin decided to buy a huge bunch of kale at the store the other day since it is "healthly." So I was left to figure out what to do with it. My friend Kristine told me she makes kale chips and that they were actually pretty good (but not as good as potato chips). I figured I had nothing to loose. And what do you know, they are good! Good being a relative term, meaning they are good for healthy food. But like Kristine warned me, they are no potato chip. However, I'll definitely eat them all and probably make more again in the future since they are pretty good for you. According to wikipedia, "kale is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and reasonably rich in calcium. Kale also contains sulforaphane, a chemical with potent anti-cancer properties." So next time you are craving something salty, try these instead! You could also try sprinkling Parmesan cheese, garlic salt or other flavors onto the chips before baking.
5 Kale leaves
Sea Salt
Olive Oil
1.) Wash the kale and thoroughly dry it.
2.) Slide your hand down the kale and remove the leaf from the rib. Tear the kale into chip size pieces, about 2x2 inches or whatever size you prefer
3.) Take an olive oil mister and lightly spray kale with oil. If you don't have a mister, lightly toss them in a bowl with some oil until all surfaces are lightly coated.
4.) Arrange kale on your baking sheet and sprinkle with salt. Don't let any pieces over lap or you may end up with some edges that are not crispy.
5.) Bake at 280 degrees for about 20-25 minutes, flipping the kale over half way through.
6.) Let cool and then store in a tupperware to prevent the kale from being crushed.
The finished chips look the same as they did before you baked them, but they are super crispy to the touch |
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